On Friday, November 12, 2010 Firefighter Anthony Sambucini worked his last tour of duty with his company Ladder 24 C. Tony enjoyed a luncheon and dinner that he hosted along with his family at Ladder 24's house on Friday. There friends, family and fellow firefighters from around the county stopped in to say their goodbye to Tony.
In addition to completing 25 years of service as a career firefighter, Tony served 9 years as a volunteer firefighter in the previous Fire District 5/Church Road Fire Company. Firefighter Sambucini completed basic firefighter training at the Camden County Vocational and Technical School then attended advanced firefighter training through the Delaware State Fire School. Firefighter Sambucini began a steady progression of fire service training including fire service instructor, Fire Official, and Emergency Medical Technician. Tony was part of a team of firefighters trained in 1981 as field SCBA repair technicians, the precursor to our successful SCBA Repair Shop.
Firefighter Sambucini served in a number of capacities during his career with an emphasis on helping to train other firefighters—not just in Cherry Hill, but in our region. Firefighter Sambucini served as a Company Officer during the transition to the new Fire District and worked in the Training and Safety Division helping to develop the first district-wide training program. In addition, Firefighter Sambucini served in many of our Fire Stations and an extended commitment at Ladder Company #2. Tony developed a number of training programs on his own—always with an eye on firefighter safety and improving our capability. Hallmarks of Firefighter Sambucini’s service include the effort he placed on servicing the public, his loyalty to the CHFD and his pride for the firefighting profession. On behalf of the entire Department and Board of Fire Commissioners, we congratulate Firefighter Sambucini on his admirable service to the residents of Cherry Hill and the Cherry Hill Fire Department. We wish Tony and Kathleen continued success in all their endeavors.