
Monday, October 22, 2007

10-15-07 - Retired Chief Ulshafer visits CHFD

Retired Fire Chief, Roger Ulshafer, and his wife Marge enjoyed a recent visit to Cherry Hill to catch up with the latest happenings within the fire department. Chief Ulshafer toured Garden State Park and the projected new fire station site. In addition, Ladder Co. 2B gave the Chief and his wife a warm welcome and tour of their new quarters. Station 2 was Chief Ulshafer's first post in Cherry Hill, a significant departure from 3rd and Spring Garden.

Later in the day, there was a visit to Fire Station 3 where Chief Ulshafer was briefed on the new Recruit Fire Academy course of instruction, background investigation process and "CHFD REAL" firefighter programs. Recruit Class 07-01 had the privilege to form up in the classroom for some words of wisdom from the 40 year fire service leader. After that, a quick stop at the CHFD Motor Maintenance Shop where Chief Ulshafer caught up with Tom, Emil and Keith. He was enthused with the Squrt refurb and remarked of the great success he experienced using the Squrt device at many extra alarm fires in Philadelphia.