
Monday, October 13, 2008

10.13.08 Smoky House Fire in Barlow Section

At around 11:15 AM, on Monday October 13, 2008, Cherry Hill Firefighters responded to a reported house fire in the 200 block of Barlow Ave, in the Barlow Section of Cherry Hill. The caller reported a smoke condition coming from the basement. Firefighters arrived and reported a heavy smoke condition throughout the dwelling. The first team of firefighters advanced a hoseline through the front door. Their efforts in searching for the basement steps were hampered by the increasing smoke condition. As other teams of firefighters arrived, they opened windows and doors to alleviate the smoke and building heat and within a few minutes from their arrival, firefighters were able to gain access to the basement and extinguish the fire.

As firefighters were working throughout the dwelling, they systematically searched the entire home for any occupants. Everyone had managed to evacuate. Due to the age and type of construction of this particular home, the dwelling was overhauled and several walls were opened up to search for hot spots and fire extension. In all, about 25 firefighters were used to bring this incident under control. This fire is under investigation by the Cherry Hill Fire Marshal’s Office.
Photos provided by Steve Skipton