On Tuesday September, 14, 2010 at around 10:00 am the Cherry Hill Fire Department received a 9-1-1 call reporting a house fire at 427 Valley Run Drive. Companies began receiving reports from the PD that the house was fully involved. Engine 52 arrived on location reporting a 1 1/2 story, single family dwelling with smoke showing from the front of the dwelling.
Notice that from Div A the 1st floor is partially below grade |
The house was a split level house, meaning that as you entered the house via the front door you were met by a landing with a short set of stairs going up to the 2nd floor living space and a short set of stairs going down to the 1st floor living space. In the rear the 1st floor exited at grade level.

Engine 52's crew stretched an hose line to the front of the property and found a well advanced fire inside on the bottom floor extending to the second floor via the front stairs. Ladder 44 arrived and began ventilation and a quick search to confirm all occupants were out and accounted for. Battalion 13 (Rick Harris) arrived and assumed command. Engine 52's crew pushed the first hose line through the front door and began knocking the second floor fire. Engine 22's crew stretched the second hose line to the rear and advanced in on the 1st floor fire knocking down all visible fire. The companies checked for extension and continued searching the dwelling for any additional occupants, however none were found. Companies remained on location overhauling the fire areas and ventilating the dwelling. There was one civilian burn victim that was transported to Cooper Trauma for evaluation. The fire is under investigation by the Cherry Hill Fire Marshal's Office

Both firefighters and civilians may find their exit via the 2nd floor porch
stairs cut off via auto exposing fire from the 1st floor. |