
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cherry Hill Township 9/11 Memorial Dedicated

BC Bill Stallfort speaks about his experiences
as a World Trade Center site responder
Several hundred Cherry Hill community members gathered on the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks to dedicate the Township's new 9/11 Memorial.  

The Memorial is located in front of Cherry Hill Fire Department Central Command, at 1100 Marlkress Road, and is open to the public

FF Ray Reis (left), 9/11 Memorial Coordinator and

FF Ed Morris, Memorial Designer
The centerpiece of the Memorial is a 3-foot long piece of steel from 1 World Trade Center (north tower), suspended between two black granite towers.  These towers stand on a granite pentagon-shaped based.  The monument is dedicated "In Honor of the Lives Lost on September 11, 2001".

The Memorial was constructed by Cherry Hill Firefighters and EMS members and supported by the generous donations of many businesses and individuals in the community.

CHFD members pose at the Memorial

CBS 3 Philadelphia's coverage of the ceremony