If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat.” ~ Herschel Walker
Typically, the Firefighters & Officers on C-Platoon are living up to this quote by training to meet the emergency needs of the residents of Cherry Hill. On the rainy Thursday morning of November 17th, they instead met, once again, for the East v. West Battalion, “touch” football game known as the “Turkey Bowl”. While last year’s game ended in a tie score, the result for 2011 was a one-sided scoring affair ending with the West Battalion outscoring the East by two or three touchdowns. Once again, each team had their “super stars” that held their teams together, but all participated and enjoyed in the gentle and peaceful game.
BC Stallfort with the Game Ball |
At the end of the game, and overshadowing the score, was the presentation of the game ball, signed by all personnel, to retiring Battalion Chief William Stallfort. The Turkey Bowl - and most of the proud things accomplished by C-Platoon day to day during their responses across Cherry Hill are rooted in the leadership and guidance provided by Chief Stallfort. But, more on that to come later……
The members of C-Platoon want to thank off duty FF D’Alesandro for refereeing the game, and the REHAB unit, Station 8, for their generous donation of supplies.
One of FF Cabaza's actual catches. |
Clearly there before the ball! |
Untouched........Touchdown! |
Patrizi launches one..... |
The Big 73 catches........ |
<><><><> <><><><> The play they worked on. |