
Friday, January 6, 2012

CHFD Promotional for Battalion Chief McGeady, Battalion Chief Haldeman & Captain Houck

Captain Houck, B/C McGeady, B/C Haldemann
& Chief Giorgio
On Wednesday evening, January 4, 2012 the Cherry Hill Fire Department held the promotional ceremony for Battalion Chief Timothy McGeady, Battalion Chief Montrell Haldemann and Captain Jason Houck.  In attendance were family and friends of all three, along with fellow firefighters and fire officers of the Cherry Hill Fire Department.

The evening began with some opening remarks, Chief Robert Giorgio welcomed the family and friends who were in attendance that evening.  Chief Giorgio then spoke on the process these men have worked through to achieve this opportunity and what lies ahead for the newly promoted Battalion Chiefs and Captain.  Following this, each Officer was asked to stand and take the oath of office before having their badge pinned on by a loved one.

B/C McGeady taking the oath of office w/ his
daughters, Aidan and Norah, to pin on his ba

B/C Haldemann taking the oath of office w/ his daughter,
Mackenzie, to pin on his badge

Captain Houck taking the oath of office w/ his
wife, Theresa, to pin on his badge
The Cherry Hill Fire Department would like to extend congratulations to newly promoted Battalion Chiefs Timothy McGeady and Montrell Haldemann as well as newly promoted Captain Jason Houck.  We wish all the luck to them and look forward to what is to come from their commands.