
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Platoons Complete April SCBA Proficiency Training

75' Hose Drag

All 3 Platoons of the Cherry Hill Fire Department will complete their annual SCBA proficiencies this week. This course was modified this year to include part of the IPAT training the members went through.
Apartment pack Carry

First station was a 75' hose drag to the hose carry station with a 50' 2 1/2" hose bundle.

Apartment Pack up the stairs

The hose carry included a complete circle back to where the hose was picked up and included a walk up a set of stairs into the burn building and down and out.
Buddy Breather exchange

A cool down was added after putting the hose pack down with a walk to the buddy breather station. There you had to complete a buddy breather change.

Completing the buddy breather change

This station would give you a chance to regulate your breathing for the next station which was a dummy drag of 20' and then back.
Ladder Raise

After the dummy drag you proceded to a ladder raise of a 16' ladder and then set it.

Kaiser Machine

Then next station was a Kaiser machine to drive the block from one end to the other.  Then there was a maze crawl in a conex box following a hose line with a reduced profile maneuver.

This course was not completed until you ran out of air. Everyone received their benchment for the amount of times they circled the course.

Maze Crawl