The CHFD arrived within 9 minutes to find two overturned tractor trailers. One was carrying bulk goods and was blocking most of the roadway with no entrapment; the other was carrying a "bio-diesel" like product and was off the roadway on its side with the driver trapped inside.
CHFD fire and emergency medical crews rapidly assessed the patient and determined that he had potentially life threatening injuries and required rapid extrication. Crews from Rescue 13 and Squad 13, along with Runnemede Squad Company, stabilized the cab of the tractor trailer and used hydraulic rescue tools to gain access to the patient. Simultaneously, actions were taken by Haz-Mat 13 personnel to stop all active leaking of product from the tanker.

Due to the extent of the patient's injuries, extreme weather conditions, and extent of entrapment, a request was made to medevac the patient to regional trauma center. After the patient was extricated and transferred to the medevac team, Haz-Mat 13 personnel worked alongside a private contractor to transfer the product from the tanker. The accident is being investigated by the New Jersey State Police.