
Monday, June 2, 2014

Cherry Hill Fire Department & Cherry Hill Police Department to Stage Operation Prom Event Tuesday, June 3rd

The Cherry Hill Fire Department and the Cherry Hill Police Department along with organizers of Cherry Hill High School West will present the annual Operation Prom Program on Tuesday, June 3 at 8:30 a.m.  The event will take place on the side parking lot of Cherry Hill High School West.

The program will include four high school students involved in a severe crash after they’ve been drinking at an after prom party.  The mock crash involves the car spinning out of control and hitting a telephone pole causing the unrestrained passenger to become ejected from the vehicle and die at the scene.  The two back seat passengers and the driver are injured and have to be extricated by the Fire Department.  The driver will be arrested by the Police Department for driving while intoxicated.  The narrator will explain the costs both emotionally and financially that affect family, friends, victims and the community at large.  The Operation Prom program is meant to be a harsh reminder of the dangers associated with impaired and distracted driving. The Cherry Hill Fire and Police Departments annually present Operation Prom to students with the hope they will make the right decisions on prom night.

Cherry Hill High School West’s Senior Prom is Thursday, June 5, 2014.

Contact: Tammy DeLucca
Phone:  (856)651-8937
