
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ladder 1324 Dedication

On December 5, 2015, CHFD Firefighters from Ladder 1324, Engine 1322, Squrt 1351 and Rehab 13 - Deer Park Fire Company assisted with the 8th Annual Captain Gregory T. Dalessio Memorial 5K Run/Walk. This year was particularly special for the CHFD as we dedicated our newest Ladder (1324) in memory of fallen soldier Captain Dalessio.

Captain Art West spoke briefly and gave a presentation to the family on behalf of the fire department. 

A decal was also placed on the side of the truck with Captain Dalessio's name as he will be "riding along with us."

On June 23, 2008, Greg gave his life serving his country during combat operations in Iraq. As always, the CHFD is proud to assist and participate in this annual event!

Captain Dalessio's family and the crew from Ladder 1324