On Christmas Eve Cherry Hill Firefighters had the privilege to welcome back some hometown heroes for the holidays. The Lamanna family from Kingston Estates has four sons; John, Justin, Jesse and Joe. Three of their boys proudly serve our country covering all over the globe and have not been together for Christmas in quite a few years. John, a medical Sergeant in the Army, is currently stationed in South Korea. Jesse, enlisted in the Navy, is stationed in California. Joe, a Hospital Corpsman Third Class enlisted in the Air Force, is stationed in Spain. Cherry Hill American Legion Post #372, Warriors Watch, Yellow Ribbon Club, Nam Knights, Last Patrol and AMVets were some of the organizations represented in the parade leading to the Lamanna residence. With sirens, horns and motorcycle roaring down the street, neighbors came out of their house to see the celebration. The entire Lamanna family came out as everyone lined up to shake the hands of these brave young men. Mayor Platt read a proclamation and drew a rousing applause as he motioned toward the Lamanna family and stated “This is America!!” The Cherry Hill Fire Department salutes the Lamanna family for their selfless service.
Motorcycle riders receive briefing on surprise visit. |
Crowd gathers outside of Lamanna household. |
Neighbors join in the welcome home celebration. |
Mayor Platt presents a proclomation. |
A video produced by event organizer Sue Quinn.